Thursday, June 11, 2009

Progress Update (Warning! Not for the squeamish!)

If you have to scrub the blood out of your shoes after a run does that make you a "real" runner or just crazy?

My progress report so far is this...ever since I agreed to this challenge I've been fighting the Blisters from Hell on all but three of my ten toes. No sooner do I think one blister is all healed up (which, turns out, it's not) I find two more. Oral antibiotics are keeping the infection at bay, but the newest blister appears to be underneath my left big toe. I've done a little online research and I'm still in denial, but it looks like I am going to have to drill through the toenail in order to alleviate the pressure. I've come across several helpful suggestions for doing this, and I'll spare the real gory details, but most of them involve a red hot paper clip or needle.

On the good news front, I did run over seven miles last night (6.5 on Monday and 5.5 on Tuesday) so while I'm not exactly ready for my half marathon, I'm at least keeping my mileage steady while I fight the Great Blister Apocalypse of 2009.

Do I blame Grant for this? Yes. The first blister made its appearance the day I agreed to be a part of The Challenge. How's it going for everyone else? -Kim

1 comment:

  1. Use your hatred for me as a good rhythmic cadence for your next run. With one step say, "Grant." With the next say, "Sucks."

    Grant sucks. Grant sucks. Grant sucks.

    That'll keep you going for miles!
