Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hi Everyone!

I'm Kim Miller, Grant's "big" (although currently not "bigger") sister. I just want to let everyone know I'm here. I've had vast experience with weight loss and this time around I've kept it off for over three years (I lost 45 pounds during the months of September 2005 through April 2006). That's always subject to change and seems like every other day or so I decide that I don't really want to be thin anymore, so I have to recommit to keeping the weight off at least twice a week. It's a lifelong challenge and I hope I can provide moral support for the majority of you who have chosen weight loss goals for the challenge.

I'm the participant whose goal is to run a half marathon in November. My 26-year old daughter got me hooked on running a few months ago (she's since decided that running is not all it's cracked up to be, but not before sucking me in...) I ran in a 10K race last month - my finish time wasn't great, but I didn't come in last and I'm going to try it again on July 4th. The half marathon was an idea I was just toying with until this Challenge came along, and since I don't have $100 to spare I guess I'm committed (thanks Grant).

The bottom line is that I don't really know what I'm doing or how to train for something like this, so I'll take any advice, warnings, guidance, etc. And I'll be happy to provide moral support, shoulders to cry on, advice, etc. for the dieters. Feel free to email me directly ( or post here.

Good luck everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Mike Burns here. Your younger cousin from Utah. I LOVE running but have been banned until my knee is replaced (not running's fault, fell out of a tree as a child, long term issue) Thus my goal of getting down to 10% body fat.
    Just be careful not to overtrain. Listen to your body and learn the difference between the "I am a wimp and want to walk" and "This doesn't feel right and I am going to walk". Some days you don't feel great and that is OK, head out and adjust as you go. Some of my best runs came when I did not feel great to start but went anyway. You really don't know how it is going to be until the first 1/2 mile is done. If it isn't feeling right after that, take it easy and get back home.

    Overall, enjoy your time on the road, and soak up a little of the joy for me. I often dream of running you're lucky yuo get to live it!
