Sunday, September 6, 2009
Losing weight versus losing fat
I have lost about 5% of my body weight, but I am not sure if I am losing fat or muscle. How does one know, other than paying for the test? Do I need to make more focused changes other than "Working out and eating less"? Doesn't everyone really want more muscle and less fat? It should not be this hard.
Whine is done. Suggestions are welcomed.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Don't Blame the Soda!
I was doing really well on the Challenge up until a few weeks ago. I had lost ten pounds (mostly water, I'm sure) when I weighed in on a Friday. The following Tuesday, I had to fly out to Florida for a business trip, and I knew from experience that such trips weren't the greatest for dieting, so I weighed in that morning. According to that damnable liar known as "the scale", I had gained three pounds between Friday and Tuesday. I ran through the list of possibilities: I had been transformed into a woman overnight and I was bloating, my invisible friend was playing a joke on me and had placed his foot on the scale while I was weighing in, or that whole impacted colon thing I keep seeing infomercials about is taking its toll on me. I immediately ruled out the woman transformation because I remembered that just before stepping on the scale, I had gone to the bathroom and peed standing up. My invisible friend was on vacation in Jamaica - I had just received a post card from him. And last but not least, the impacted colon theory didn’t explain things either because I had it surgically removed after I stepped on a landmine back in Vietnam. So, I went on my less-than-merry little way to Florida and ate like a pig. Five Guys Burgers and Fries gets a big thumbs up from me!
I've gotten back on the wagon, and my net loss is now 9.5 lbs. I'm still on track to lose thirty by the end of November, but I'm a little disheartened by this recent thing happening so early on.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Old Wives and Their Tales
This time around, I've been much more careful about what I'm eating while slurping down a Coke, and I've lost ten pounds so far. Would I be a better person and be better off nutritionally if I were to give up soda? The former is questionable, but there's no denying that the latter would be true.
However, this is what keeps me motivated to stay on task: soda is my one guilty pleasure. So suck on that all you soda haters!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Weigh in
I feel there should be a reward for all of us making it. I would also like to thank Grant for putting this in the Gridiron perspective. That was pretty funny.
Now for the questions. For those of you that have done the weight loss in the past, did you ever hit a plateau? If so, how did you get over it? Everything seems too easy right now. I know there's going to be a tough time. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jake
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Progress Update (Warning! Not for the squeamish!)
My progress report so far is this...ever since I agreed to this challenge I've been fighting the Blisters from Hell on all but three of my ten toes. No sooner do I think one blister is all healed up (which, turns out, it's not) I find two more. Oral antibiotics are keeping the infection at bay, but the newest blister appears to be underneath my left big toe. I've done a little online research and I'm still in denial, but it looks like I am going to have to drill through the toenail in order to alleviate the pressure. I've come across several helpful suggestions for doing this, and I'll spare the real gory details, but most of them involve a red hot paper clip or needle.
On the good news front, I did run over seven miles last night (6.5 on Monday and 5.5 on Tuesday) so while I'm not exactly ready for my half marathon, I'm at least keeping my mileage steady while I fight the Great Blister Apocalypse of 2009.
Do I blame Grant for this? Yes. The first blister made its appearance the day I agreed to be a part of The Challenge. How's it going for everyone else? -Kim
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
On the Road Again!
If I could just keep up with my husband. Since he hasn't posted, I'll let you know he is doing great! Running 6 miles every day right now. Training is when it gets tough for him, making the time for the long runs. We are definitely in this one together!
-Greg & Leslie
Saturday, June 6, 2009
I've known our fearless leader or mad moderator or whatever we're calling him since about age 8 and our parents are best buddies so that makes us practically related. He's seen me pudgy and thin but now I've reached Jabba the Hutt status and wouldn't care to share any specific numbers. I am taking pics of me and measurements along with the numbers from the scale for my own personal use but don't ask me to share those numbers except for how much lost. Would prefer to maintain a small modicum of dignity, although that may not be possible. Would love to chat with anyone about their challenge and get to know you all better. Cheers!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hi Everyone!
I'm the participant whose goal is to run a half marathon in November. My 26-year old daughter got me hooked on running a few months ago (she's since decided that running is not all it's cracked up to be, but not before sucking me in...) I ran in a 10K race last month - my finish time wasn't great, but I didn't come in last and I'm going to try it again on July 4th. The half marathon was an idea I was just toying with until this Challenge came along, and since I don't have $100 to spare I guess I'm committed (thanks Grant).
The bottom line is that I don't really know what I'm doing or how to train for something like this, so I'll take any advice, warnings, guidance, etc. And I'll be happy to provide moral support, shoulders to cry on, advice, etc. for the dieters. Feel free to email me directly ( or post here.
Good luck everyone!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
A Gridiron Perspective
At the height of his career, Dick Butkus - one of the most feared linebackers in NFL history - only weighed 245. "Mean Joe" Greene - a tackle, who I believe EARNED his moniker honestly - was 270 lbs of anger.
Without taking into account all the miles that will be run and biked simply to train for the marathons and the Century Ride, we have a commitment of 665 miles - that's 1,170,400 yards, which works out to 11,704 lengths of a football field. Assuming the average number of touchdowns scored in a game is, say, 7 (I'm probably up in the night on this one), that's 1,672 games worth of touchdowns. A regular NFL season, not counting pre-season games or playoffs or the Super Bowl, consists of a total of 256 games. In six months, we're going to play 6.5 seasons of football!
We're putting the "iron" in gridiron folks! Also, combined, we're looking to lose an entire defensive powerhouse . . . and maybe a waterboy soaking wet. Cool!
Beware Aquaman!
I thought I would post this for all of you who are trying to lose weight like I am - I figured a mental image of what I just described would be reason enough either to not eat due to loss of appetite or to hurl violently that which you've already had for dinner - low-cal or not.
Just looking out for my peeps!
Hitting the Road
Letty's Weigh in!
Good luck to everyone! 50 lbs to go and counting.
I only like a handful of vegetables so that gets alittle boring. Worst off is my schedule. I am on the road most days and Fast food is everywhere.
any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated.
Monday, June 1, 2009
At any rate, I am completely IN now because I have the potential of losing 100 clams and paying for it monthly. That's nuts!
The Weigh In
While that's not go-on-Jerry-Springer fat, it's the heaviest I've ever been in my life. Remember, kids: I don't lift weights, so the 202 lbs I'm carrying on my frame are more flab than bulk. My glass-half-full outlook as I stepped off the scales was "this is as heavy as I'll ever be in my life." I hope I didn't just completely jinx myself by saying that!
At any rate, I had a delicious Slim Fast shake for breakfast and another for lunch. Dinner awaits.
Shedding 20
As I approach the 40-year-milestone it's only expected, I suppose, that I would consider what areas of my life could use some improvement. Well, for me, the size of pants I have to buy would be a mental marker of how I'm doing in general. Bigger is not better. I've been at the point before where I had to make a change and did it successfully. After 8 years of towing the line with diet and exercise I suppose I've recently gotten a little lazy and gained back a few pounds and appear to be creeping back to my backside.
So, I weighed in at 225. My goal is going to be 205 (pounds, not stones nor kilos). Let's see how it goes.
Perhaps I'll someday seek to reach a more admirable goal such as a higher level or personal enlightenment or service to others or something more laudable. I'm not there yet so this one will be all about me and ditching some fat.
Time Travel
I have been lucky enough to have friends help me acheive goals in the past, and all I have to add for today is six (6) months sounds like a long time, but it comes up on you fast! In three months I guarantee that some of us will be wishing for the ability to push the rewind button. I know I have been in this position in the past and am writing this post in hopes of not being there again. Do something today that moves you in the direction of the goal because time travel is not an option.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Eve of Consumption
I invite all of you to post your questions/pleas for help concerning your particular goal. I would imagine there's very likely someone who has been in your shoes before. If not, there's certainly someone striving to do almost the very same thing as you are looking to accomplish. Also, if you see that someone has a goal that you had previously pursued and reached, please feel free to post advice.
I've been looking for a good piece of motivation to lose weight for the last few years - I think this should be it.
Good luck, my friends! And thank you!