Sunday, September 6, 2009

Losing weight versus losing fat

I selected for my challenge a particular bugger of a goal. I want to get down to 10% bodyfat...I don't care what my weight is. Since I am questioning whether or not this is actually read, I feel fairly safe in spewing my ignorance, and whining for a moment. If anyone reads this please add your thoughts because I am not sure what I am doing.

I have lost about 5% of my body weight, but I am not sure if I am losing fat or muscle. How does one know, other than paying for the test? Do I need to make more focused changes other than "Working out and eating less"? Doesn't everyone really want more muscle and less fat? It should not be this hard.

Whine is done. Suggestions are welcomed.

1 comment:

  1. Given the fact we haven't physically seen each other for quite a while, it's hard for me to tell how much "muscle" you have to lose. In my case, that's easy: none - it's ALL fat.

    In the grand scheme of things, I truly don't care how much I weigh either, but I would like to fit comfortably into a pair of pants with a size 32" waist (or smaller) and feel semi-confident in taking my shirt off in public. I'm never going to be a cover model, and I'm okay with that. I have so many other things that would keep me from achieving that goal anyway.

    At the gym where I work out (no weight lifting yet, just swimming and elliptical training), they have a body fat measuring device that looks like a large Nintendo controller. I'm guessing it's not the most accurate thing in the world, but something like that might help you. Good luck, cousin of mine!
